
Soup: Knorr: Corn cream

Knorr is registered trademark of Knorr Naehrmittel AG.

Product: "Knorr" Corn cream

Ingredients: Sweet corn, Wheat flour, Sugar, Starch, Salt, Lactose, Edible oil(fat), Yeast extract, Powdered skim milk, Dextrin, Onion, Spice, Butter, Carrot, Soup garnish(Sweet corn), Seasoning(Amino acid etc.)

Seller: Ajinomoto

*Edible oil(fat) --- I cannot tell what kind of oil(fat) from the description of the package.



販売者:味の素食品株式会社 N

How to;

 1: Put the "Corn cream" into a pan and add 600ml of water and mix well before turning cooker on.

2: Turn the cooker on,  mix well and  bring it to boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer another 3 minutes.

3: Add 200ml of milk, and bring it to boil again.

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